入到去環境唔錯,唔會迫 !!!
事前已經book好Menu , 又 free corkage
Waiter good service and 健談
Free Bread Refill

Free 四川翡翠螺 - 大大隻,螺肉唔太硬。

Starter: Caviar, Hokkaido Scallop mango avocado roulade organic salad,好fresh既帶子,成件藝術品,好吸睛

Soup: Lobster Bisque with Cognac, rich Cognac matched with lobster

First Main:Baked Italian Black truffle wild mushroom mixed vegetables Lasagna, Black Truffle Smell is good. Mushroom is tasty.

Main: Grilled Japan A4 Wayyu beef rib eye seasonal vegetables, Very Juicy A4 rib eye !!!

Dessert: Cinnamon Pineapple Crumble with homemade icecream, 估唔到 Pineapple Crumble 仲好食過一般 Apple Crumble !!!
