今次去上 German Wine Academy Level 1 course , 依個course完全了解德國酒有幾特別
成個德國有13 Wine Regions (Anbaugebiete) , 41 sub-regions
1. Mosel - Classy from Terrace, Top 5 Steep Slope region: Northern Rhone(Cote Rotie, Hermitage), Mosel, Duero, Priorat
2. Rheingau - Royal Riesling 地方, Elegant, Structured Wine, Rhein River Sharp Bend 地方
3. Rheinhenssen - surrounded by hills to protect wind and rain, then Rheinhenssen dry and warmest
4. Pfalz - Near Alsace, Alsace extension. No.1 Region riesling in the world, complex and diverse geology
5. Baden - Spoil by sun, both hill protection, 9 sub-regions
6. Wurttemberg - Local red grape region (eg. Trollinger: Red Grape Variety, light color, light body, flower, sour cherry aroma, eg. Lemberger (blaufrankisch): Red Grape Variety, dark color, high tannin, black fruit, oak aged)
7. Franken - Continental climate, south face
8. Nahe - 120 types of soil, purity wine
9. Ahr - All slate soil (板岩), very heat and warm, red wine production, very cool climate there (Northern location)
10. Mittelrhein - 2nd smallest riesling production region
11. Hessische Bergstrasse - 德國最早出現春天的地方, dry sandy soil, deep water storing loess (黃土)
12. Saale Unstrut - most northern, 51° N, low yield, fine white wine region
13. Sachsen - most eastern, next to Poland, very cool continental, low yield
講到德國, 出名就係 Riesling , 最早可以係 371AD 出現, Vine arrived at Mosel by Old Romans.
In 13 March 1435, earliest Riesling, also 220000 L oak barrerl production.....
Mosel and Rheingau 係德國溶雪最快既產區
Johannisberg Spatlese (音: space laser), 因為遲左14days送到, 才開發 Spatlese 酒 (late harvest)
冰酒 Eiswein - 1829年開始harvest due to poor quality, then start Eiswein in 1830yr.
Climate: Zone A is Very cool continental , Zone B is warm. (Baden is in Zone B)
Germany: Cooler ripen period, shorter frost free period, summer rain heavy
River, soil, slope, aspect, surroundings 決定一切
North aspect for crops, corns
South aspect for grapes especially Riesling
Main Grapes:
Riesling - hardy wood, frost resistant, late budding, late ripening, sensitive to soil type and terrior express (透明度高), unoaked, low or high yield can still have premium wine quality !!! 通常 grapes with more sun-burn can have pertrol aroma depending on picking time
Muller Thurgau - light body, low acidity than Riesling, have hint of muscat flavour eg. rose.
Grauburgunder - same as pinot gris, mutation from spatburgunder, can be noble rot, semi-aromatic, pear, nutty, apricot, pineapple, "Rulander" same as Grauburgunder which can be a bit sweetness
Silvaner - Franken region, 2 weeks early ripen, mild acidity, full body, match with 蘆筍
Weissburgunder - same as pinot blanc, need warm to ripen, can oak aged, terrior express, high acidity than pinot gris (Grauburgunder), neutral aroma
Spatburgunder - same as pinot noir, 3rd production in the world, clone various, smaller berries, low yield, Dijon Clone, grape brunch 既頂位就較多酸, 而最低就more flavour, sweetness, long growing season in Germany, distinctive character, smoky, almond, red berry, Production in Baden, Ahr
Wine 1 - S.A. Prum Solitar Riesling Trocken QbA 2015 Mosel ($117)
Pale yellow, pear, pineapple, 菊花, greenapple, white flower, hint of honey, high acidity, mineral, finish >10 seconds, 80yr old vine, feel soft acidic, not such sharp or attack acid
Wine 2 - Dr. Loosen Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Kabinett (GG) 2015 Mosel ($195)
Pale yellow, white flower, pear, 菊花, hint of honey, lemon, earth rock, wet stone, mineral, delicate high acidity (慢滲咁出現 acidic), rocky steep slope, blue slate with smoky, mineral whilst grey slate with fruit forward, red slate with smoky. Dr. L is second wine.
Wine 3 - JJ Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Spatlese 2014 Mosel ($410)
Pale yellow, rich petrol, high acidity, white flower
Wine 4 - Keller Riesling Trocken Westhofen Kirchspiel Grosses Gewachs (GG) 2013 Rheinhessen ($580)
GG must be Dry Style!!!
Pale yellow, lemon, greenapple, mineral, grapefruit, jasmine, perfume, high acidity, finish >60 seconds. very low yield, Marl and Limestone soil
Wine 5 - Juliusspital Wurzburger Stein Silvaner Trocken VDP Erste Lage (first growth) 2014 Franken ($225)
Pale greenish yellow, high acidity, mineral, mushroom, spice, earthy, herbal, Shelly and Limestone soil
Wine 6 - Dr. Heger Mimus Ihringer Winklerberg Spatburgunder Trocken VDP Erste Lage (first growth) 2013 Baden, volcanic soil ($260)
Pale ruby, red berry, meaty, smoky, spice pepper, flinty, earthy, hint of herbal, low tannin
Wine 7 - P. J. Valckenberg Eiswein 2004 Rheinhessen, 121g sugar ($220)
Amber color, aged wine to have baked apple juice, peach, high acidity to balance 121g sugar.
** Purity, Fruity in normal vineyard
** Dried fruit in GG, 1er cru vineyard (注意: 田既classification不同法國classification, 睇下面條link)
Dog Lover, Food & Wine Tasting, Travelling, Fengshui Study, HKG Chartered Civil Engineer
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