Biodynamic Josmeyer Alsace Wine Tasting
第一次見女莊主 !!!
Tasting Note below:
Wine 1: Josmeyer Pinot Blanc Mise du Printemps Alsace 2015
Appearance: Pale Lemon Yellow
Nose: Ginger, Rich Mineral Petrol, Lemon, Honey, White Flower, Pear Pineapple
Palate: Medium+ Acidity, Finish (> 30 seconds)
Conclusion: Good, Purity
Wine 2: Josmeyer Riesling Le Kottable Alsace 2013
Appearance: Pale Greenish Yellow
Nose: Pear, Greenapple, hint of pineapple, lemon, white flower, petrol, hint of honey
Palate: Greenapple, pear, sharp lemon, mineral, high acidity
Conclusion: acceptable
Wine 3: Josmeyer Riesling Le Dragon 2013
Appearance: Yellow
Nose: Intense aroma, pear, pineapple, hint of honey, hint of apricot, ginger, savoury (mineral)
Palate: Round lemon citrus, medium+ acidity
Conclusion: Good
Wine 4: Josmeyer Pinot Gris Le Fromenteau
Appearance: Pale Yellow
Nose: Subtle petrol, earthy, mushroom, pear, hint of pineapple, smoky, ginger, hint of honey, white flower
Palate: Rich mineral layering
Conclusion: Good
Wine 5: Josmeyer Fleur de Lotus Alsace 2014
Appearance: Pale Yellow
Nose: White flower, white peach, hint of honey, hint of ginger, lychee, hint of lemon
Palate: Refreshing, high acidity, mineral
Conclusion: Good
Wine 6: Josmeyer Riesling Grand Cru Hengst Samin 2009
Appearance: Yellow
Nose: Earthy, Pear, Lemon citrus, Mineral, Hint of honey, petrol, hint of apricot
Palate: powerful
Conclusion: Good
For choice: Wine 3, 4, 5, 6 are good !!!
Dog Lover, Food & Wine Tasting, Travelling, Fengshui Study, HKG Chartered Civil Engineer
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