藝。文食館 - - normal only
Dog Lover, Food & Wine Tasting, Travelling, Fengshui Study, HKG Chartered Civil Engineer
2018年4月30日 星期一
Spain Red Wine - Priorat
Alto Moncayo 2014 Garnacha Spain
16% abv
100% Garnacha
Appearance: Medium Ruby
Nose: Medium Intensity, dark berries, liquorice, vanilla, plum, prune, earthy, mineral, coffee, chocolate, Youthful
Palate: Dry, Medium(+) Intensity, Medium tannin, High alcohol, Medium(+) acidity, Medium(+) length with dark berries, plum, prune, mineral, vanilla, chocolate
Conclusion: Good and has potential for ageing, soft and round tannin, great concentration, integrated with oak
Relax Wine Gathering
Champagne 區 Wine Dinner
Champagne 唔一定只出香檳,亦可以出冇氣既酒 (我地叫做 still wine)。
做香檳用既Grapes 都唔係得3款,其實Champagne區法定係可以用 7款Grape去做香檳
Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Arbane, Petit Meslier
Cepage Arbane Champagne 2008
Fleury Champagne Pinot Blanc
Petit Meslier Champagne 2007
Voutette and Sorbee Champagne Textures Pinot Blanc
Pinot Blanc Still Wine in Champagne Region (Coteaux Champenois)
Pinot Noir Still Wine in Champagne Region (Coteaux Champenois)
Ratafia (Fortified Sweet Wine in Champagne Region)
做香檳用既Grapes 都唔係得3款,其實Champagne區法定係可以用 7款Grape去做香檳
Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Arbane, Petit Meslier
Cepage Arbane Champagne 2008
Fleury Champagne Pinot Blanc
Petit Meslier Champagne 2007
Voutette and Sorbee Champagne Textures Pinot Blanc
Pinot Blanc Still Wine in Champagne Region (Coteaux Champenois)
Pinot Noir Still Wine in Champagne Region (Coteaux Champenois)
Ratafia (Fortified Sweet Wine in Champagne Region)
2018年4月29日 星期日
鼎爺私房菜 Ding's Kitchen
鼎爺私房菜 Ding's Kitchen,可能係一生人中要去試既地方,太難 book 位.....
今次試依個 Menu ,價錢每位 $1288
Good Dish
第一道: 阿爺黑毛豬义燒,新鮮蜆蚧米通鯪魚球,玫瑰露醉鮑魚,蘆筍黑糖脆黃鱔
第二道: 梅子蒸花蟹
第三道: 花膠杏汁燉白肺 - 新鮮杏仁磨汁,好正 !!!
第四道: 紫氣東來,新鮮菠蘿加上龍珠果,好Fresh
第五道: 古法東星化成龍
第六道: 蒜蓉雞油炒豆苗
第七道: 阿爺乞兒雞
第八道: 新舊荷葉飯
最後甜品: 杞子圓肉糖水
文章 (Atom)
Italian Wine Tasting Experience
好酒要飲,唔好飲既酒都要試 ! 今次就係試左好飲同唔好飲既酒 Renato Ratti Brigata Langhe Chardonnay 2017 14% abv Appearance: Medium Lemon Nose: Medium (+) intensity, ...
做酒既地區唔係來來去去個d 舊世界,新世界既咩??? 克羅地亞既紅白酒,你又試過未?? 克羅地亞都算係舊世界既酒區,只係冇咩人去認識 今次就試佢地出既白酒 Pusipel (當地提子) Kvalitetno Bijelo Vino Suho Vinogorje Me...
又係時候來個大學同學聚會。 天氣有些少凍,一大班人食個粥底火鍋係一個唔錯既選擇。 今次地點係佐敦鍋心粥底火鍋,一去到門口已經有好多人等位。唔一早Book就可能要去好夜先有位。 聽同學講依到個食法很特別,要跟住Step 去做先好食。但對我黎講,點煮點食係我話事。 依張係...
今次係酒專有個酒莊 Domaine Cave du Roi Dagobert Alsace Wine Tasting Alsace - 90% white wine production - altitude 170m to 550m - 1800hrs of suns...