講真, 甜酒唔係我最愛, 但學酒點都要試
Sweet Wine in New Zealand , 講真 NZ 做開 Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir 依d still wine 為主
但Sweet Wine真係少見既
見平平地, 試下支 half bottle
Pegasus Bay Encore Noble Riesling 2011 New Zealand 10.5% abv ($227.8 因為咁岩有85折)
依支係用上最少 50% noble rot Riesling 去造
Dog Lover, Food & Wine Tasting, Travelling, Fengshui Study, HKG Chartered Civil Engineer
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Italian Wine Tasting Experience
好酒要飲,唔好飲既酒都要試 ! 今次就係試左好飲同唔好飲既酒 Renato Ratti Brigata Langhe Chardonnay 2017 14% abv Appearance: Medium Lemon Nose: Medium (+) intensity, ...

做酒既地區唔係來來去去個d 舊世界,新世界既咩??? 克羅地亞既紅白酒,你又試過未?? 克羅地亞都算係舊世界既酒區,只係冇咩人去認識 今次就試佢地出既白酒 Pusipel (當地提子) Kvalitetno Bijelo Vino Suho Vinogorje Me...
今次係酒專有個酒莊 Domaine Cave du Roi Dagobert Alsace Wine Tasting Alsace - 90% white wine production - altitude 170m to 550m - 1800hrs of suns...