2016年9月8日 星期四


同同事去 Times Square 試新開 Mad for Garlic

Garlic Bread Tower ($48) - 普通烤麵包加炸蒜粒

Garlic Showing Pizza ($128) - Pizza with Cheese and 蒜片,好香芝士,值得一試

Garlicpeno Pasta ($98) - 其實係Spicy pasta,因為辣味過強,食不到蒜香

Steamed Mussel ($138) - 青口份量好多,都好食。

Australian M9 steak ($398) - 同蒜片一齊食好香又不到蓋過肉味,好食。

Italy Maniago Pinot Grigio ($58/glass) - pale lemon color, green apple, citrus, acidity medium -, finish not significant not long, but refreshing.



Italian Wine Tasting Experience

好酒要飲,唔好飲既酒都要試 ! 今次就係試左好飲同唔好飲既酒 Renato Ratti Brigata Langhe Chardonnay 2017 14% abv Appearance: Medium Lemon Nose: Medium (+) intensity, ...